その中でもGood Wood Park Hotelの敷地にある「J`s salon」のMASATOがカットが上手くてこれからのMASATO CUTがトレンドになりそう!!!。
予約電話68340012   J`ssalon /masato
The beautician in Japan is zooming popularly in Singapore now. 。
MASATO CUT from good at cutting at MASATO of the "J`s salon" that exists especially on the site of Good Wood Park Hotel seems to become a trend.
It leaves to MASATO if it wants to become a Japanese girl in Singapore and is safe.
Even if it cannot speak Japanese, it is safe. The hairstyle suited most seeing your clothes and face is chosen. Even if the magazine of the hairstyle is brought of course, it is safe.
Please do "MASATO is nominated" though reservation by telephone call is necessary.
TEL68340012(to masato)
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